Friday, May 21, 2010

Realization of the month.

Karma hates me, I'll prove it.


Yes my weekend starts on Friday. Someone invisible has decided jam a pen in my left ear, hard. I cant sleep. I'm so tired and in so much pain I eventually just become hysterical. I read on the Internet that hot towels ease the pain, so my head is soaked.
You may ask, why don't you go to the doctor? Easy. No health card. I never get sick see, my immune system is usually so bad ass. Eventually I relent to the Tylenol siren call, after 4 extra strength pills I'm out like a light.


Saturday and Sunday pass swiftly and relatively pain free, except I am getting progressively deafer in my left ear.


I got my health card. My left ear has now stopped working almost completely. But my luck has turned! The emergency room is near empty! I get signed in a in a room within 20 minutes! Karma cannot have this! Suddenly 4 ambulances come rushing in! I swear worst injury was whip lash. However, there is only ONE doctor on duty so my 20 minute wait turns into three hours.
Three hours for a thirty second visit. I get pills, they are nasty.


For Tuesday to Thursday I work. Cute kids, scary dog that wants to eat me. My chest starts looking funny, kind of red.


My body looks like a tomato! Remember the red? It spread, to everywhere! So I call up my father, as I am talking to him I watch as red bumps start to cover my body. I trek off to the hospital, and get MORE pills.
These pills suck! Four times a day and they make me sleepy and drowsy.


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