Sunday, September 25, 2011

Polyamourous relationships vs. Pologamous

When I was a child growing up I never heard of Polyamoury. I had heard of polygamy however. It was always on the news, cults who force the women to wear dresses and have a million children. Where old men married 14 year old girls and lived in compounds. I hadn't heard of any relationships that contained multiple long term partners that wasn't cheating or polygamy. Growing up I never had crushes on one person only, I couldn't understand monogamy. Loving only one person? When I went into the dating scene I felt the only way to be was with one person, wither it man or woman, I had to chose one.
the ability of not choosing is what Polyamoury gives me. I no longer have to chose who I love. I can love and live freely. People assume you can only love one person, they forget they love multiple people on a daily basis. As a child did you love one parent more than another? As a parent do you love one child over another? In my relationship I dont love one person more, I love them differently, for they are different people and need different things. That doesn't mean I love one more.
The knowledge that each of them love another aside from me, doesn't hinder me, I find it frees me. It allows me breathing room where in a monogamous relationship I feel smothered and trapped.