Thursday, December 23, 2010

This woman came up to me the other day in the store, holding a Pedi egg and a large poster of the human digestive system. For those who don't know what a pedi egg is, its a cheese grater for the foot. She come up and she said, "I came in the other day and bought this (holds up pedi egg) but I meant to buy this (holds up giant human digestive poster) Can I exchange?" I suppressed the urge to ask how the hell she mixed up the two and just said " No, our computer doesn't allow us to exchange items I'm sorry." Her argument was to immediately pull out the receipt and point at the part where it clearly says "No Exchanges, No Returns" and say "Well it says here..."
"Yes, It says there No Exchanges or returns"
Her tactics changed to leaning in *really* close and saying "Just this once?" Then she got mad.
I should clarify that both items were 1 dollar. She raised her voice and got angry at a dollar. I searched my pockets to give her one since she was obviously so poorly off, but I didn't have anything. When I finally made it clear that I couldn't, she made a big show about gathering her stuff and then failed miserably to pick up the poster. "Well I'm just going to leave this here for YOU to deal with" At which point I made a big show of picking up the poster and putting in the basket not a foot a way and saying "Have a nice day"
Karma got me back though, my next customer paid a 20 dollar tab in nickels, dimes and pennies.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Chistmas is a time for jolly, and holly, and other things that end in "olly"

It is also a time for crazed shoppers to become angry that the dollar store is out of jumbo bags 6 days before Christmas... ugh.

On the other hand it is also a time to get Nerf guns from friends and have a gun fight in their mostly empty house. I think it is an entirely appropriate time of year to learn that I am a *very* good shot :)

I am not sure how many of you know of the American Family Association. They are bunch of religious idiots. They have a crusade going on against companies that are "Anti- Christmas"

Monday, December 13, 2010

World Domination here I come!!

I got into University! Woot Woot!
I actually got in to a couple universities :)
I also just started my own cleaning business.
World domination is next!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

20 years ago my mother was on the cusp of 21 and 9 months pregnant. My father was turning 22. They both were in the middle of successful military careers, and happily married.
Tonight I am on the eve of 21, I am neither pregnant or married. In fact I am with a man who never wants with either. Thats fine but as I take this time to reflect I cant help but feel a tinge of remorse. One might even call it regret.

I am slightly more intelligent than most people, you wouldn't be able to tell from my life. Up to this point it has been one illogical and misconceived plan after another, each ending in failure and isolation. So what road do I follow from here? Do I go to school? Do I do a triple major, go into a field that isnt hiring and then onto a job I am not sure I can even do? Or do I settle into a life of menial jobs and wandering? I don't know in what direction to go from here. How do I wake up and fell I have accomplished something when I am unsure of what I wish to accomplish?

I am forced to reflect on my parents life and the dreams I had for myself as a child. I know each life is different and it is true that three years after the fact my parents split and both respectively left the military to enter another phase of their life. I never had a guide line for my dreams, no over all goal just a vague grandiose idea. It has proven difficult because of that to assess if my life has measured up to what my young mind imagined adulthood to be. If I judged simply by the feeling of regret and feeling of misguidance by my own hand, I would say that no. The life I am living has not measured up.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Why is that you feel like crap one second and when you come out you can feel better? All in a matter of 15 minutes?

She didn't call, text facebook or other wise. She left me hanging and I was pissed. Not at her just at the fact she tossed me aside as a dick came along.

Then I had a shower and packed her things and I am suddenly okay with the situation with out the help of alcohol! (wow I sounded like an alcoholic there....)

I know that because I'm okay with the situation now shes going to call or just show up. I don't know what I am going to do. Probably be rude its my go to reaction when some ones hurt me. Oh well.

I hope the dick doesn't show up here. that would be awkward, I dont have any hard feeling towards him at all he is a great guy. I just really don't want to talk to the guy who stole my best friend from me.

Im still okay.