Thursday, December 23, 2010

This woman came up to me the other day in the store, holding a Pedi egg and a large poster of the human digestive system. For those who don't know what a pedi egg is, its a cheese grater for the foot. She come up and she said, "I came in the other day and bought this (holds up pedi egg) but I meant to buy this (holds up giant human digestive poster) Can I exchange?" I suppressed the urge to ask how the hell she mixed up the two and just said " No, our computer doesn't allow us to exchange items I'm sorry." Her argument was to immediately pull out the receipt and point at the part where it clearly says "No Exchanges, No Returns" and say "Well it says here..."
"Yes, It says there No Exchanges or returns"
Her tactics changed to leaning in *really* close and saying "Just this once?" Then she got mad.
I should clarify that both items were 1 dollar. She raised her voice and got angry at a dollar. I searched my pockets to give her one since she was obviously so poorly off, but I didn't have anything. When I finally made it clear that I couldn't, she made a big show about gathering her stuff and then failed miserably to pick up the poster. "Well I'm just going to leave this here for YOU to deal with" At which point I made a big show of picking up the poster and putting in the basket not a foot a way and saying "Have a nice day"
Karma got me back though, my next customer paid a 20 dollar tab in nickels, dimes and pennies.

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