Saturday, May 29, 2010

I need to stop watching scary movies.

I watch way too many of them. They have seeped into reality for me. It is no longer a question of if ghosts exist its whether I have done something to piss them off enough that they will haunt me.

It's late, and I'm tired, but I can't sleep. Why?
It's because I'm in a new place and I keep staring at the closet thinking a creepy Japanese spirit is going to crawl out and stare at me.

I know it's odd (whats not odd about me?) but one of my deepest desires is to have a phobia that I'm never going to come across or one that could help me.

Chickens — Alektorophobia

I wonder does this translate to eating chicken as well?
Chopsticks — Consecotaleophobia

This wouldn't be too hard to avoid. I wouldn't even have to stop eating Chinese food, I'm white so they always assume I can't use chopsticks.
Garlic — Alliumphobia
Apperently you don't have to be a vampire to be scared of garlic.
Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth — Arachibutyrophobia
Phobias — Phobophobia
Yes, a phobia about having a phobia.

Arithmophobia- Fear of numbers
How helpful would this have been to get out of Math class?

Alas, I'm sitting here in the semi dark fearing something as boring as the dark.
Though through my research I think I may suffer from Metrophobia (Fear of poetry)

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