Saturday, April 24, 2010

Alberta Labour Minister and James Cameron in a "YO MAMA" battle!

"The Alberta Oil sands are a black eye in Canada"
"Avatar Director slams Alberta Oil sands!"

Apparently these days, you can slam the government,huge companies and those who work there all in the same sentence without knowing much about them.
James Cameron admits he knows very little about the Alberta oil sands. But that doesn't stop him from speaking out against them.

Our labor minister does not shirk from these allegations, retorting that the oil sands are a safe work environment and helps the economy! She also adds she's thinking of making a smurfs movie too.
Yes. That's her argument. So what if it destroys the environment, on paper the people who work there are safe!
Who cares if the government only gets 1% royalties, while the American companies rake in billions of dollars.

Its a classic case of
Eco-nut " Oil sands are bad because of XYZ!"
Government "Oil sands are good because of KLM!"

Except our eco-nut didn't give XYZ, he simply said that he didn't like them. So they must be evil.

I am mostly against the oil sands.I understand they give many people much needed jobs. However, they harm so much in the process that perhaps its time to move all those people to an alternative energy source. I live in Fort McMurray, right near the sands.I know many many people who work there. And I would never want any of them to be unemployed and struggling.
But when a company has to give our "hush money" as part of your pay check somethings not quite working.

There are alternative sources of power. Sources that can be cultivated to be just as lucrative as oil. All they need is the chance. But companies and people don't want to do that.
who wants to spend an extra 20 grand on a car because its electric, sure an extra 5 bucks is okay to spend. That extra 5 bucks can get us 100% recycled paper and make us feel good, but 20 grand is a lot of money to make us feel good.

Companies wont lower the price of electric cars because they make money off of parts and maintenance. Not selling you the car.
Electric car parts don't get as worn, thus needing less maintenance.

Perhaps, you buy that hybrid. Feeling good?
Think about this, parts from your car came from China,Japan and America.
How did it get from Japan to China, from China to America, from America to you?
Boats. Boats burning a lot of oil.

What I'm trying to get across is that oil is a complicated issue that deserves far more letters that XYZ, and KLM. It crosses company lines and creeps into our lives.
It's the best option we have now, but perhaps its time we start investing more into find the best option for later instead of insulting or protecting something can't that be replaced yet.

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